Univerza za nepodredljive vede

Common – Beyond Private and Public (Presentation of Slovene Edition of Commonwealth)

Presentation of Slovenian edition of Commonwealth with Antonio Negri, co-author of the book written together with Michael Hardt

Program of presentation and international symposium

Wednesday, 18th of May, Great Hall, Faculty of Social Sciences, Kardeljeva ploščad 5

16.00 presentation of the book Commonwealth by Antonio Negri, followed by a discussion

18.00 international discussion on insurgent provinces of Europe and political potential of common, comments by Antonio Negri

Participants: Antonio Negri (Venice, Paris), Manuela Bojadžijev (Berlin), Nick Dines (Rome), Andrej Kurnik (Ljubljana), Gerald Raunig (Zürich), Asim Mujkić (Sarajevo), Francesco Salvini (Barcelona, London), Darij Zadnikar (Ljubljana)

Thursday, 19th of May, Social center Rog, Trubarjeva 72

12.00 informal debate with Toni Negri about the common in movements

Dialogue with Negri’s works is not limited to academic circles. Their reception is particularly creative and alive in new forms of social and political activism, that seek global alternatives to neoliberal globalization.

Skupno (Časopis za kritiko znanosti, 2010) is a collective translation by Political Laboratory. Skupno (Commonwealth) is a book about the 21st century revolution which is not caught in false alternative between market and state, private and public, but “builds through struggle after struggle, on successive levels that indefatigably overflow every systemic equilibrium, toward a democracy of the common”.

Presentation and international symposium will be held in Italian and English.


Univerza za nepodredljive vede