Hub Meeting 2013 - Ljubljana/Maribor

Hub Meeting 2013 Program

18th (Maribor)

10:30 – 12:30 Travel from Ljubljana (@ Social Center Rog) and arrival in Maribor (@ Gustaf, Pekarna)

13:00 – 15:00 General Assembly

Introductions and sharing info’s about ongoing and future processes, initiatives and actions etc. (@ Gustaf, Pekarna)

16:00 – 18:00 Workshop 1

Resistance to neoliberal governance of the city (@ Gustaf, Pekarna)

The content will focus on recent practices, such as a presentation of the uprising in Maribor, constituent processes in the city (neighborhood assemblies, autonomous spaces, community projects, etc.) and possibilities of constructing autonomy in the city.

19:00 – 22:00 Dinner and beers in Maribor

Return to Ljubljana for sleeping

19th (Ljubljana)

08:30 – 10:00 Breakfast and coffee (@ Social Center Rog)

10:00 – 12:00 Workshop 2 (Hubmeeting / Svobodna univerza)

Migration (@ FDV – Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana)

This workshop is a collaboration between Hub Meeting and Svobodna Univerza (Free University). On this workshop we will look at how the crisis and austerity affect migrants and migrant’s rights, migrants’ participation in direct democracy, etc. Central questions here are: if and how migrants are involved in uprisings, mass mobilizations and self-organization processes? What has happened to the emerging forms of self-organization of migrants in uprisings?


12:30 – 14:30 Workshop 3 (Hubmeeting / Svobodna univerza)

Knowledge (@ FDV – Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana)

This workshop is a collaboration between Hub Meeting and Svobodna Univerza (Free University). An examination of the struggles against the privatization of university and school system and the practices of self-formation. A central question will be: how does knowledge production relate to society in general?


17:00 – 19:00 Workshop 4

Women, the Crisis and (Radical) Social Care (@ Social Center Rog / Tiffany)

The idea is to discuss the specific ways in which women are affected by the crisis, gender-specific exploitation and how to build radical emancipation from below. Linking this to the formation of the group Insurgent (Women) Social Workers, which arose from recognising women’s perspective within the crisis and also the role of social work in advocating the Insurgence and adding forgotten/overlooked content to it. Focal point of the discussion then being how to radicalise the system of (social) care, how to build alternative practices within the community (or why we believe all women are in a way social workers).

20:00 – Dinner and party (@ Social Center Rog)

20th (Ljubljana)

08:30 – 10:00 Breakfast and coffee (@ Social Center Rog)

10:00 – 13:00 Workshop 5

The Perspective of Struggles in Europe (@ Social Center Rog)

Perspectives in the political process of struggles is a two part workshop. One part will focus on bringing in concrete practices of struggle such as building Blockupy Europe, common struggles in Europe, the Mediterranean, the Maghreb, and 15M. The other part will be a focused discussion on the meaning of, and practices of engagement in, a European social strike. We will also ask ourselves how this process takes us from welfare to commonfare?

14:00 – 16:00 General assembly

The Constituent Process (@ Social Center Rog / Tabor Park)

The final assembly has a goal of putting emphasis on the crisis of representative politics and the possibilities for implanting the constituent process from below. Within this we will discuss how we get from mass mobilization to self-organization of needs, on local and transnational levels.

All workshops are “works in progress” and reflect the general content of proposals and ideas we received. Keep sending ideas to and consider the workshops as open discussions also on related themes.

All workshops will be held in English. If necessary, we will try to organize simultaneous translation.


Social Center Rog – Trubarjeva cesta 72, 1000 Ljubljana

FDV – Faculty of Social Sciences – Kardeljeva ploščad 5, 1000 Ljubljana

Tiffany – Masarykovi cesta 24, 1000 Ljubljana

Gustaf – Pekarna, Ob železnici 8, 2000 Maribor

See online : Hub Meeting 2013 – Ljubljana/Maribor

Hub Meeting 2013 - Ljubljana/Maribor