SC Rog

72 posts


"Mi nismo stroji!" - Položaj in borba iSužnjev na Kitajskem

Pogovor z Podjetje Foxconn samo na Kitajskem zaposljuje več kot milijon ljudi. Kot največji pogodbeni proizvajalec dela za Apple in mnoge druge znane znamke na trgu elektronike. Zaposleni, ki Foxconn proizvajajo komunikacijske naprave kot so iPhone in iPad, so iSužnji, ki delajo v grozljivih delovnih razmerah. Leta 2010 pozornost svetovne (...)


We want NO BENEFIT, NO PROFIT, just some cheap beer, the whole fucking bakery, MULTIPLE ORGASMS and a great time together! V soboto, 23. 3.2013, ob 21h vabimo VSE v Socialni center Rog na divjo zabavo, kjer bo pijača prodajana brez profita, prav tako pa ne bomo nobenega kovanca odtegnili za benefit - tokrat se temu upiramo in si želimo samo dobrega žura, (...)


Thursday, March 14th at 8:30pm at Social Center Rog (Trubarjeva 72, Ljubljana) This week we continue with another film on the Spanish civil war, this time from the perspective of the women anarchist fighters. "At the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War, the nun Maria is forced to flee her convent. She takes refuge in a brothel, until it is liberated by (...)

Land and Freedom

Thursday, February 28h at 8:30pm at Social Center Rog (Trubarjeva 72, Ljubljana) Land and Freedom, a Ken Loach film, follows a young revolutionary from Liverpool into the civil war in Spain. As the resistance against fascism breaks down into sectarian splits, betrails and infighting become the norm. This is a historical drama that examins the (...)

Benefit Fronte prekercev, 22.2.2013

Dogodek se bo odvijal 22. februarja 2013 od 21h dalje v Socialnemu centru Rog, Trubarjeva 72, Ljubljana (Takoj po vstopu v Rog zavijte desno) Benefit žur za plačanje kazni zaradi alter-demonstracije, organizirane s strani Fronte prekercev pred več kot dvema letoma (natančneje 19.05.2010), ker naj bi ovirali promet na eni izmed ulic, kjer je sicer bila (...)

The Battle Of Algiers

Thursday, February 14h at 8:30pm at Social Center Rog (Trubarjeva 72, Ljubljana) The Battle Of Algiers follows the narrative of the insurgency to liberate Algeria from French colonial rule. Seen from the French and Algerian perspective and using real footage of the struggle, the film explores the complexities of this uprising and the bloody repression (...)

Benefit Fronte prekercev

Benefit žur za plačanje kazni zaradi alter-demonstracije, organizirane s strani Fronte prekercev pred več kot dvema letoma (natančneje 19.05.2010), ker naj bi ovirali promet na eni izmed ulic, kjer je sicer bila prijavljena naša demonstracija "NE MALO DELO, NE ŠTUDENTSKO DELO - MANJ DELA". Namen benefit žura je seveda zbrati čimveč prispevkov za čimprejšnje (...)

Do the Right Thing

For the final Tutti Frutti of 2012, join us for Spike Lee’s landmark film Do The Right Thing. The camera follows the life of community members of one block in Bedford-Stuyvesant (Brooklyn) on the hottest day of the year. As the day gets hotter the community becomes more and more tense, bringing all the anger, racism and despair to a boiling point. The (...)

The Navigators

Wednesday, November 21st at 8:30pm at Social Center Rog (Trubarjeva 72, Ljubljana) Ken Loach’s film The Navigators (2001) takes place in South Yorkshire. A small group of railway maintenance men discover that because of privatization, their lives will never be the same. When the trusty British Rail sign is replaced by one reading East Midland (...)


Četrtek, 15.11.2012, ob 21h v Socialnem centru Rog na Trubarjevi 72 v Ljubljani "Šetnje su već tradicionalno krenule od Starog Hrasta a vodile su u naselje Nova Varoš sve do Centra grada. Prolazeći kraj zgrade Vlade RS, uz tihu policijsku prismotru, šetači su glasno ponavljali: "Lopovi, lopov, lopovi..". "Više stotina Banjalučana večeras je učestvovalo u (...)

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